i was watching the grid and they always do photo critiques, turns out a guy/ girl submitted some weddings photos, fast-forward to 47:30 in the video and learn what not to do when shooting a wedding. if you don’t want to watch, then here are 5 take aways on how not to suck at wedding photography.

1. lightning – using flash to enhance the photo not destroy it
2. Get focused – nothing worst than framing it and capturing the right moment and being out of focus and not sharp.
3. Framing – if nothing looks interesting in the surroundings, get tight shoot at 2.8 to blur out backgrounds
4. Composition – watch out for things in backgrounds & foregrounds, drinks, handbags, tree branches, or anything sticking out of people & the frame.
5. Capture the moment – if you’re looking for key points at any wedding, its about capturing emotion & the moment.