New Trailer

Double click on video to play [qt][/qt] working on some final cut skills and updated the trailer, the old one was kinda cheesey. this one is a little better. aloha

Carey & Kevin Wedding 5.17.08

Aloha Everyone, were back again and we had the pleasure of shooting Carey and Kevin Tomimatsu’s wedding, on May 17th, 2008 at Willows Restaurant. The wedding was awesome! We had a chance to meet a lot of new friends and also some old ones. Carey had a cherry blossom/ plum tree theme going on, she had a tattoo on her right shoulder to go with it. check out the images for more of the story.

Happy Mothers Day

Aloha Everyone and Happy Mothers Day! to all the mommies out there! if you didn’t know in the united states on every second sunday in May, we celebrate mother’s day. here is a brief description of mother day from wikipedia, read below. The United States celebrates Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May. In the United States, Mother’s Day was loosely inspired by the British day and was imported by social activist Julia Ward Howe after the American Civil […]


Ok, just playing around and experimenting with self portraits. As a photographer we take so many photos of everyone but ourself. still finding a way to take cool self portrait stuff. This is me geeking on the computer, nothing special just me in black and white.

Multi-touch screen

[youtube]zp-y3ZNaCqs[/youtube] wow! check this out this is the future computers and technology. This would be cool if you could compose and take photos like this with your camera. well i guess we got to keep on dreaming, but soon the dream will be a reality.


Hello again, if you didn’t know we just signed up as one of the contributing photographers for if you need good quality images at an affordable price check this site out and check out our photos here. happy shooting!

Error 99 Sucks

Ok, we been checking the webstats and found that a lot of people are linking to the blog for an old post about “error 99” on a canon 30D camera. anyway, to make a long story short, we got this error 99 thing about a year ago on my canon 30D and we had to shoot a wedding the following week. followed the instructions from the canon website (below) and come to find out, that the camera had to be […]

more video

Double click on video to play [qt][/qt] ok, fooling around with some video again and testing my final cut skills. check out the 15 second trailer. yeah, i been lagging, we still have to finish off the series of podcasts… happy viewing.

May 1st is “Lei Day” in Hawaii

Hey everyone, today is May 1st, if you didn’t know about May Day, we found some info on the internet about today.

New iPhone Website

Aloha everyone, do you own an iPhone? or know what it is? if you don’t click here for more info.