Photographers to follow on twitter

We were searching the web for the top photographers to follow on Twitter and we couldn’t find anything good, so we decided to make our own list of top photographers to follow. Not only will we list the top picks on twitter, but we will tell you why you should follow them. These descriptions of these photographers are from our (POV) point of view and how we have come to know them, so please correct us if we are wrong […]

Family Portraits – the Suzuki’s

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Adobe CS5 Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop, or simply Photoshop, is a graphics editing program developed and published by Adobe Systems. It is the current market leader for commercial bitmap and image manipulation software, and is the flagship product of Adobe Systems. It has been described as “an industry standard for graphics professionals” and was one of the early “killer applications” on the Macintosh, later also for MS Windows. We were lucky enough to be chosen to be a beta tester and got to play […]