We were searching the web for the top photographers to follow on Twitter and we couldn’t find anything good, so we decided to make our own list of top photographers to follow. Not only will we list the top picks on twitter, but we will tell you why you should follow them. These descriptions of these photographers are from our (POV) point of view and how we have come to know them, so please correct us if we are wrong or have any discrepancies in data, sorry in advance.

hope this list helps you guys out and is useful, is so please be sweet and retweet or share with your facebook friends. aloha and thanks for reading, happy shooting. you can follow us @bradyoshiro on Twitter too.

ok lets get started, these guys are not in any particular order, just randomly chosen from the twitter pool.

1. @Scottkelby http://twitter.com/Scottkelby
Why Follow? He is the head of (NAPP) national association of  photoshop professionals, if you use a digital camera and use a digitaldarkroom, anything and everything you need to know about photoshop and lightroom can be found at his blog, http://www.scottkelby.com

2. @strobist http://twitter.com/strobist
Why Follow?  AKA David Hobby, in photography lighting is everything, without light, no image can be created, the strobist blog is dedicated to everything you need to know about lighting and how to use strobes/flashes. we stumbled on this site during a google search, when we bought our first flash Canon 420ex.

3. @chasejarvis http://twitter.com/chasejarvis
Why Follow? He is a famous commercial photographer, but we know him as the one who created an iphone app called the best camera. it is true, your best camera is the one that you always have with you. nothing better than a 3 megapixel camera, called the iphone, in your pocket at all times.

4. @jeremycowart http://twitter.com/jeremycowart
Why Follow? Another high profile photographer that started the global project help portrait in 2009. we were proud to be a part of the Hawaii Help Portrait chapter, with over 6000+ photographers world wide to help the less fortunate for a day with the gift of photography.

5. @zarias http://twitter.com/zarias
Why Follow?  AKA Zack Arias, We first found out about this photography from scott kelby’s blog and had the sickest video from a photographers perspecitive. he is also a perfect example of how the student (second shooter) will someday become the teacher. He is busy teaching photography workshops mostly in the united states, check here for workshop dates.

6. @frederickvan http://twitter.com/frederickvan
Why Follow? He is the host of  one of the hottest photography podcasts, TWIP, (this week in photography) he also has lots of knowledge and experience as a former Adobe employee. We always listen to the show for the latest news in photography.

7. @scottbourne http://twitter.com/scottbourne
Why Follow? Another internet superstar, Scott is known as a rockstar for his nature photography, he is also a guest speaker on TWIP and host his own photography podcast called photofocus. We also reference this show for photography insist. Scott is also famous for giving away lots of cool camera gear, if you become one of his followers, Hurry, follow him now you could win a new Mark 2 5D.

8. @photojack http://twitter.com/photojack
Why Follow? AKA Jack Hollingsworth just found this guys site recently, i really don’t know what his is known for, but he has lots of followers, so he must be cool LOL. if someone knows more about him, please fill in the blank, Jack is _________________.

9. @ricksammon http://twitter.com/ricksammon
Why Follow? this guy is awesome and just like all the other photo masters on this page, he does workshops and training but, the thing that makes him different is that he started, doing workshops out of his house and invited strangers to his home to share his passion with everyone else, and now he is a common name in the photography world as one of the greats.

10. @joemcnallyphoto http://twitter.com/joemcnallyphoto
Why Follow? this guy needs no introduction with award winning covers from National Geographic and Sports Illustrated, he is also buddies with Scott Kelby, enough said, but  what really impressed us was a image that he took from the empire state building, click here to watch the youtube video of  Joe shooting thousands of feet above sea level, awesome!!

11.@tofurious http://twitter.com/tofurious
Why Follow?  AKA Lawrence Chan, one word, “SEO”  search engine optimization, not only is Lawrence a great photographer, his is a guru webmaster and if  you want to market your photography and be found on the web, he is the go to guy. check out his blog for more information.

BOUNUS PICK: @bradysoshiro http://twitter.com/bradyoshiro
Why Follow? Saving the best for last, LMAO we don’t know why you should follow us, except for the fact of this shameless plug to follow us, all we know is that we have a passion for photography, surfing and technology. one more thing, we live in Hawaii if that counts for anything. thanks for reading and don’t forget to repost, retweet, and share with your facebook friends.
Aloha Brady

7 thoughts on Photographers to follow on twitter

  1. yah! kaimana, we still have to hangout someday, still trying to make it out to a tweetup or flickr friday, so many things to do and so little time. LOL

  2. Aloha Robyn, thanks for reading, looking to do a wedding photographer one too, Hawaii and international list. enjoy your day! aloha!

  3. Heya Brady. Good stuff man! Definitely going to follow all of these people on Twitter (as long as they have an account).