Have you ever watched the movie 27 Dresses? this is a cool movie about preparing for a wedding and finding your perfect love. Anyway, what does this have to do with brides maids? if you want some tips on choosing your bridal party read on.

Disclaimer: this is only related to taking photos and not to sound shallow or anything like that, but obviously choose your closest and dearest friend to be on the bridal party. With that said read on.

Tip #1 is that if you have any brides maids at all, make sure to have the same numbers of grooms men. If you have 2 brides maids you should have 2 grooms men. another factor if you care about getting good photos, is to choose your brides maids in even numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, etc. the reason for this is that the bride will always be the center of focus and it will be aesthetically balanced in the photos. (as in the movie clip above it is an example of the extreme of what it would look like with more brides maids than grooms men.)

Tip #2 Make sure that the dresses and flowers are also matching in style and colors, unless you purposely want the bridal party to look like rockstars and chaotic in fashion.

Tip #3 if possible wearing heals or flat shoes should be determined so that every should be fairly around the same height, not that important but i does make a better image.

Good luck with choosing your brides maids, 1 or 100 stick to these tips and it will make your bridal party photos look better and one less detail to worry about on your special day.

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