Aloha Again,
This is Kacie and Dave, congratulations to them, they are getting married in Aug 08. We did this photoshoot at sunset on the northshore. Engagements photos are a fun way to do a test shoot with your photographer and get to know them better, remember the more you know your photographer the more natural and relaxed you will be on your wedding day.
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Another thing about engagement photos is that you can you use them for just about anything, cards, gifts, portraits to hang the house. opposed to using a shot from your wedding and using it for a christmas card, unless you got married in Dec. your wedding dress shot can be to formal for the everyday photo, so engagement photos are perfect for almost anything.

if you are interested in having us shoot your engagement photos please contact us. Engagements shoots start from $399.00 + tax with all digital negatives and an optional online gallery.

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